I feel personally victimized by mypy.

😜 They’ve open Ontario Place.

Current Status: Watching how to cut your own hair instructional YouTube videos because my hair is just to long and tying it up with a USB cable isn’t working anymore.

Awesome sky over Lake Ontario.

Social distancing from the cherry blossoms.

The tree outside my apartment is finally growing some buds!

📺 Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn Poster

🎥 Endless Summer (1965)

Endless Summer Poster

Making some cookies.

I just spent two hours trying to figure out a bug in my Vue form component, it turned out I was using rel='update' instead of ref='update' 🙃.

Under the Gardiner.

Going for a walk to the place I’ve been everyday this week.

I’ve never seen graffiti alley with no tourists.

Quiet day at the farm.

📺 Mythic Quest is super awesome!

I’ll be presenting Jonathan Gray & Kavya Srinet paper, CraftAssist at Papers We Love Toronto on 18 March at 6:30pm.

I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out why my tests weren’t failing. It turned out it was because I forgot to prepend test_ to the function 🙃.

Brazilian Nuts are the best type of nuts.

HUJI 2019

Winter Lights at Ontario Place