
Full Post List

Jul 11, 2024: I mapped out Ledbury Park on OpenStreetMaps.

Jun 22, 2024: Purple flowers.

May 14, 2024: The LLM that cost billions of dollars and the energy output of a midsize country to train isn’t that great, so they gave it a cute and flirty voice. …

May 4, 2024: Trilliums

Apr 15, 2024: First signs of spring in Bellwoods.

Mar 20, 2024: A snowy spring day in Bellwoods.

Mar 9, 2024: Last night I made way too many stickers with my friend’s thermal printer.

Mar 9, 2024: This is the first time I generated an image in Midjourney where I actually couldn’t tell it was generated by a text-to-image model.

Mar 7, 2024: First signs of spring.

Mar 2, 2024: Mommy’s Little Monster from Mom’s Basement in Toronto.

Feb 27, 2024: The only thing left standing was the elevator.

Feb 23, 2024: I only want to be in conversations that support my business goals.

Feb 21, 2024: Black cat.

Feb 14, 2024: Toronto Landmark

Feb 9, 2024: Last day vibes.

Feb 5, 2024: Just released version v0.2.1 of mastodon-to-sqlite!

Jan 29, 2024: 🎉 Happy random tests that assume February is 28 days to all that celebrate!

Jan 29, 2024: Mountains at the bottom of Lake Louise

Jan 10, 2024: First PyDataTO meetup of the year.

Dec 13, 2023: Made a small Django function to back-port update_or_create from Django 5.0, specifically adding create_defaults to the create operations. …

Sep 20, 2023: Don Valley is always pretty in the late summer/early autumn.

Sep 14, 2023: My favourite comic book series, Fables, has been added to the public domain by Bill Willingham, its author.

Sep 7, 2023: Polaroid’s new instant camera, the I-2, looks incredible. I hope this resurgence of instant cameras continues. Jeremy Gray’s review for PetaPixel.

Sep 4, 2023: Street Art of Doug Ford in Graffiti Alley

Aug 17, 2023: Morning-Glory

Aug 9, 2023: Someone wants some attention.

Jul 9, 2023: Exhibition setting up (or tearing down) for the Indy.

Jun 30, 2023: Just finished the season finale of Silo. The entire show is definitely worth watching.

May 30, 2023: Playing around with Photoshop’s Generative Fill feature. This was two similar photos I took at Ontario Place this winter.

Apr 24, 2023: Toronto’s cityscape at sunset.

Apr 12, 2023: It’s criminal we have to work on the first warm day of the year.

Mar 27, 2023: Playing around with Adobe Firefly’s beta.

Mar 25, 2023: Morning walk was so cold and so wet.

Mar 17, 2023: So You Want to Turn an Office Building Into a Home? Interesting article about the conversion of office buildings into aparments, one of the hurdles is …

Mar 11, 2023: Made Coffee Coffee Cake from Claire Saffitz’s Desert Person.

Mar 6, 2023: Illuminated mushroom at Ontario Place

Mar 4, 2023: Snowy day in North York.

Feb 8, 2023: What’s the point of these language models if it won’t make all our lives easier. Journalist asked Microsoft’s new Bing to write them a cover letter …

Jan 30, 2023: Sunset from Ontario Place

Jan 5, 2023: I super agree with Kalynn Bayron, AI should be doing more the stuff people hate than the stuff that brings people joy.

Jan 3, 2023:

Jan 3, 2023: Beautiful morning in Whistler.

Dec 30, 2022: Built a couple Dogsheep utilities this past week to save data into SQLite:…… …

Dec 22, 2022: Doing the holiday party circuit, this really resonated with me. I’m Thrilled to Announce That Nothing Is Going On with Me by Alex Baia.

Dec 17, 2022: Made some chocolate toffee cookies today.

Dec 15, 2022: I’m kind of obsessed with this zoo in Sweden where 7 of their chimps have escaped and are trying to take over the zoo. The ring leader, Santino, has a …

Nov 21, 2022: It’s a bit windy in Toronto today.

Nov 1, 2022:

Sep 25, 2022: Sunset at the farm

Jul 12, 2022: Clive Thompson writes about what design lessons we can learn from guitar pedals.

Jul 12, 2022: 🔭 First image for the James Webb space telescope.

May 6, 2022: Snazzy Labs has an awesome video demoing Apple’s Tools to repair an iPhone 12 Mini. The simple repair, replacing the battery and fixing a broken …

Dec 20, 2021: Amazing sky today

Oct 25, 2021: This is Theo, the dog.

Oct 24, 2021: Went to the beaches today for a photo walk.

Oct 16, 2021: My jade plant had a little baby.

Oct 3, 2021: Flowers on a rainy day in Toronto.

Aug 22, 2021: Amazing sky last night at Ontario Place.

Aug 15, 2021:

Aug 2, 2021: Went up to the farm this weekend.

Jul 19, 2021: Hazy Day in Toronto

May 18, 2021: Went for a walk to Cherry Beach on Sunday night

May 18, 2021: Went for a walk to Cherry Beach on Sunday night

Apr 28, 2021: Some new leafs on my Fiddle-Leaf Fig

Mar 28, 2021: I made some cholocalte cookies (but added to much butter).

Jan 27, 2021: Snowy Street in Toronto

Jan 25, 2021: Finished reading: Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng 📚

Jan 23, 2021: Photos From My Walk

Nov 29, 2020: Sunset over Lake Ontario.

Nov 9, 2020: Raccoon taking a nap.

Oct 8, 2020: Graffiti.

Oct 3, 2020: Printed a 45 adapter today. It failed the first time and made modern art.

Sep 19, 2020: Went for a hike today.

Sep 14, 2020: This whole TikTok acquisition is reminding me of when Flip Video got bought by Cisco and shut down two years later. I really miss my FlipCam 💔.

Sep 14, 2020: This is a hard time. You’re doing the best you can. Be kind to yourself. Zach Braff on 14 September 2020 at 1:05pm EDT (via Gabz)

Sep 12, 2020: There is a bridge by my house that has the coolest spider shadows.

Sep 7, 2020: One minute of waves at Ontario Place

Sep 7, 2020: This Vox video on how the pandemic distorts time is so awesomely crafted.

Sep 6, 2020: My sleep schedule has been super weird this week.

Sep 5, 2020: More street art from laneway walks.

Aug 26, 2020: Been finding some cool Alleyways in Toronto lately.

Aug 12, 2020: Lovable

Aug 9, 2020: Stormy looking weather in Ontario Place.

Jul 29, 2020: Sunset in High Park

Jul 26, 2020: Some flowers from today.

Jul 18, 2020: Play around with I Love Film.

Jul 8, 2020: Did my morning standup in the community garden.

Jul 4, 2020: Really like GitHub’s new profile customizations.

Jul 3, 2020: It’s so hot today.

Jun 30, 2020: Toronto Skyline.

May 28, 2020: Foggy late afternoon walk at Ontario Place.

May 19, 2020: The Toronto Skyline from Inukshuk Park.

May 19, 2020: I feel personally victimized by mypy.

May 16, 2020: 😜 They’ve open Ontario Place.

May 11, 2020: Current Status: Watching how to cut your own hair instructional YouTube videos because my hair is just to long and tying it up with a USB cable isn’t …

May 9, 2020: Awesome sky over Lake Ontario.

May 2, 2020: Social distancing from the cherry blossoms.

Apr 27, 2020: The tree outside my apartment is finally growing some buds!

Apr 26, 2020: 📺 Harley Quinn

Apr 25, 2020: 🎥 Endless Summer (1965)

Apr 25, 2020: Making some cookies.

Apr 23, 2020: I just spent two hours trying to figure out a bug in my Vue form component, it turned out I was using rel='update' instead of ref='update' 🙃.

Apr 18, 2020: Under the Gardiner.

Mar 22, 2020: Going for a walk to the place I’ve been everyday this week.

Mar 20, 2020: I’ve never seen graffiti alley with no tourists.

Mar 14, 2020: Quiet day at the farm.

Mar 9, 2020: 📺 Mythic Quest is super awesome!

Feb 29, 2020: I’ll be presenting Jonathan Gray & Kavya Srinet paper, CraftAssist at Papers We Love Toronto on 18 March at 6:30pm.

Feb 21, 2020: I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out why my tests weren’t failing. It turned out it was because I forgot to prepend test_ to the …

Feb 16, 2020: Brazilian Nuts are the best type of nuts.

Feb 10, 2020: HUJI 2019

Feb 9, 2020: Winter Lights at Ontario Place

Feb 9, 2020: Forgotten context message.

Feb 3, 2020: I’m going to be attending PolyHack 25 (last hurrah at HBar) on Thursday 6th Febuary 2020 at 6:30pm.

Feb 1, 2020: Sometimes laziness is pretty cool.

Jan 29, 2020: Stephen Childs talking at PyLaides/PyData Toronto meetup.

Jan 28, 2020: 🎵 Wolf Parade’s new album Thin Mind is pretty awesome but sounds like early 2000s.

Jan 10, 2020: 😢 I broke my Docker instance on the train.

Jan 8, 2020: 🎥 I haven’t seen Cats yet but I’m pretty sure Disney’s live action Aladdin was the worst film of last year.

Jan 3, 2020: Great last day of skiing in Sun Peaks.

Jan 2, 2020: Great day skiing at Sun Peaks today.

Jan 2, 2020: When you move from an email based company to one that uses Slack.

Jan 1, 2020: 2020 To Do List These aren’t really resolutions, they are just eight things I want to do in 2020: Build more things Last year because I was commuting so much …

Jan 1, 2020: Fireworks from last nights new year’s party.

Jan 1, 2020: Night time.

Dec 29, 2019: Mountains in Sun Peaks.

Dec 27, 2019: Today’s skiing at Sun Peaks.

Dec 26, 2019: Arrived on Kanloops on the way to Sun Peaks.

Dec 26, 2019: Current Status: Calgary

Dec 14, 2019: Paper Plane at Il Gatto Nero.

Dec 12, 2019: Selena presenting on writing a programming language with Python at tonight’s PyLadies/PyDataTO.

Dec 7, 2019: Toronto Waterfront.

Dec 5, 2019: I’ve recently switched my personal email to ProtonMail, it’s pretty awesome.

Dec 1, 2019: It’s a very snowy day in Toronto.

Nov 17, 2019: Peter McCormick talking about exploring languages on Python at a time.

Nov 17, 2019: Watching Françoise Provencher Keynote from the upper balcony.

Nov 12, 2019: Photos from tonight’s GoTO.

Nov 12, 2019: Green trees with snow look really sad.

Nov 11, 2019: 📆 I’m going to be attending PyCon Canada 2019 I'm attending PyCon Canada 2019 16th November 2019 to 19th November 2019 at The Carlu, 444 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2H4, CA

Nov 9, 2019: Went for a hike in the forest by the McMichael Canadian Art Gallery today.

Nov 9, 2019: Leaving to go up north for the weekend, except a lot of photos for trees and stuff.

Nov 5, 2019: Skate City for iOS is really awesome.

Nov 3, 2019: My new normal week.

Oct 27, 2019: UofT in the autumn is awesome.

Oct 22, 2019: Pair programming with a skeleton today.

Oct 19, 2019: I like the way this bridge lights up at night.

Oct 19, 2019: 😍 One of my plant’s are flowering.

Oct 14, 2019: Software Development and the False Promise of Science Richard Marmorstein on software developers and their lack of citing good sources: You have opinions – strong opinions – on questions such as “do …

Oct 13, 2019: Inglis Falls.

Oct 13, 2019: Sitting on the front porch at the farm.

Oct 12, 2019: Bruce Trail in Autumn Went for a hike in The Glen conservation today.

Oct 11, 2019: Driving up north for thanksgiving.

Oct 10, 2019: Kind of failed on the foam for my latte today.

Oct 6, 2019: Photos From Nuit Blanche Last Night Photos from last night’s Nuit Blanche exhibited in Fort York, Stacks, and 401 Richmond.

Oct 4, 2019: A Nuit Blanche exhibit is going up.

Oct 2, 2019: It’s a really gloomy day in Toronto.

Sep 28, 2019: A love letter to personal websites Tobias van Schneider’s love letter to his personal website: In those days, our website was our home. An extension of ourselves. Every day we …

Sep 28, 2019: Cool street art near King Street West and Portland.

Sep 28, 2019: Rainy day at Ontario Place.

Sep 26, 2019: 😜 finally my stress level is better than a D-.

Sep 24, 2019: Got my first PR approved today!

Sep 16, 2019: First day at new job!

Sep 13, 2019: ‪Last day at old job!‬ ‪Monday is first day at new job!‬

Sep 11, 2019: I’m going to miss Winston Woods Park near my office.

Sep 11, 2019: Took the wrong train this morning and now I’m in Appleby (two stops west of Oakville).

Sep 7, 2019: Living near the lake is awesome!

Sep 6, 2019: 🎵 Ann Power’s review of Lana Del Rey’s new album, Norman Fucking Rockwell!, is an awesome read.

Sep 6, 2019: 😬 For the second time in two weeks, I’m going to be 30 minutes late for work.

Sep 6, 2019: Go Train stoped across from Gestusra Island on the Credit River.

Sep 5, 2019: Had an awesome cocktail tonight at Petty Cash, an Abraham Drinkin’, with gin, lime, cucumber, and basil.

Sep 4, 2019: 📓 Finally finished my September’s Log!

Aug 31, 2019: From a hike in the The Glen (~15mins outside of Owen Sound).

Aug 30, 2019: Field of alfalfa at sunset.

Aug 30, 2019: Photos from a hike on the top of the escarpment near Blue Mountain.

Aug 28, 2019: At the farm.

Aug 27, 2019: Had margaritas last night.

Aug 25, 2019: Just finished my Weekly Log!

Aug 24, 2019: Pictures from walking to Parkdale last night. #Latergram

Aug 21, 2019: Back in the suburbs.

Aug 21, 2019: I’m excited to be attending Polyhack 23 on 11 Septemeber 2019 at 6:30pm.

Aug 21, 2019: 🎧 Lana Del Rey cover of Donovan’s Season of the Witch is awesome.

Aug 20, 2019: Hasan Minhaj on why public transportation sucks in the US.

Aug 20, 2019: In four weeks my long commute to Oakville will be at an end. I got a job located a twenty minute walk from home!

Aug 19, 2019: Stuck at Long Branch GO Station 🙄.

Aug 19, 2019: Apple spends more on R&D than the entire country of Spain. As in the entire country of Spain both public and private organizations. Spain the …

Aug 19, 2019: Do boring speakers really talk for longer? Robert M. Ewers in Nature: The 34 interesting talks lasted, on average, a punctual 11 minutes and 42 seconds. The 16 boring ones dragged on for 13 …

Aug 18, 2019: Currently reading: Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer 📚

Aug 18, 2019: My fortune cookie at Mother’s Dumplings today.

Aug 18, 2019: Data-Driven Design Is Killing Our Instincts, valuing data over design instinct puts metrics over users by Benek Lisefski.

Aug 16, 2019: Ugly Gerry is a font created by US congressional districts.

Aug 16, 2019: Amazon Is Using a Twitter Army of Employees to Fight Criticism of Warehouses This is some dystopian stuff. Amazon Uses a Twitter Army of Employees to Fight Criticism of Warehouses: Amazon is not the only company that relies on …

Aug 16, 2019: Template errors in Laravel are the hardest bugs to figure out.

Aug 14, 2019: June Oven owners are reporting preheating incidents. This is 100% the fault of June and not the user: June CEO Matt Van Horn says that owners, not the oven, are at fault. “We’ve seen a few cases where …

Aug 13, 2019: Currently reading Draplin Design Co. Pretty Much Everything by Aaron James Draplin. This page is probably the most useful advice every, Vectors Are …

Aug 13, 2019: Listening to Tooth and Tail’s soundtrack by Austin Wintory gives my chores pomp and circumstance.

Aug 12, 2019: I’ll be attending GTALUG on Tuesday 13 August @ 7:30pm.

Aug 11, 2019: Sitting in a park in Port Perry.

Aug 10, 2019: I ♥️ summer in Toronto.

Aug 10, 2019: Thinknum, a dataset serivce for revealing strategic movements within companies, made their pitch deck a comic book.

Aug 8, 2019: Scooter's aren't as "eco-friendly" as they claim to be The study concludes that dockless scooters generally produce more greenhouse-gas emissions per passenger mile than a standard diesel bus with high …

Aug 6, 2019: Waiting to go home from Oakville.

Aug 4, 2019: Outside is awesome today!

Aug 3, 2019: 🎥 Hobbs & Shaw was really good.

Aug 1, 2019: 🎵 Chance the Rapper new album The Big Day is awesome.

Jul 30, 2019: Lovebot Graffiti in Toronto “To create a better future we must create love within our lives now we have the tools to create love. This is love for not just some of us but for all …