This whole TikTok acquisition is reminding me of when Flip Video got bought by Cisco and shut down two years later. I really miss my FlipCam đź’”.

Apple spends more on R&D than the entire country of Spain. As in the entire country of Spain both public and private organizations. Spain the world’s 13th largest economy with a population of 47 million people.

Do boring speakers really talk for longer?
Robert M. Ewers in Nature:
The 34 interesting talks lasted, on average, a punctual 11 minutes and 42 seconds. The 16 boring ones dragged on for 13 minutes and 12 seconds (thereby wasting a statistically significant 1.5 min; t-test, t = 2.91, P = 0.007). For every 70 seconds that a speaker droned on, the odds that their talk had been boring doubled. For the audience, this is exciting news. Boring talks that seem interminable actually do go on for longer.
He also gives some good advice on giving a good talk:
To avoid banality, speakers should introduce their objectives early on and focus on pertinent information. They should avoid trite explanations, repetition, getting bogged down by irrelevant minutiae and passing off common knowledge as fresh insight.
Amazon Is Using a Twitter Army of Employees to Fight Criticism of Warehouses
This is some dystopian stuff.
Amazon Uses a Twitter Army of Employees to Fight Criticism of Warehouses:
Amazon is not the only company that relies on what publicists call “employee advocates.” Lizz Kannenberg, the director of brand strategy at Sprout Social, which advises companies on social media use, said that employee advocacy had developed over the last three to five years.
Bromwich, J. E. (2019, August 15)
June Oven owners are reporting preheating incidents.
This is 100% the fault of June and not the user:
June CEO Matt Van Horn says that owners, not the oven, are at fault. “We’ve seen a few cases where customers have accidentally activated their oven preheat via a device, figure your cell phone,” he tells The Verge. “So imagine if I were to be in the June app clicking recipes and I accidentally tapped something that preheated my oven, we’ve seen a few cases of that."
Carman, A. (2019, August 14). Smart ovens have been turning on overnight and preheating to 400 degrees.
Thinknum, a dataset serivce for revealing strategic movements within companies, made their pitch deck a comic book.

Scooter's aren't as "eco-friendly" as they claim to be
The study concludes that dockless scooters generally produce more greenhouse-gas emissions per passenger mile than a standard diesel bus with high ridership, an electric moped, an electric bicycle, a bicycle—or, of course, a walk.
The paper found that scooters do produce about half the emissions of a standard automobile, at around 200 grams of carbon dioxide per mile compared with nearly 415. But, crucially, the researchers found in a survey of e-scooter riders in Raleigh, North Carolina, that only 34% would have otherwise used a personal car or ride-sharing service. Nearly half would have biked or walked, 11% would have taken the bus, and 7% would have simply skipped the trip.
Temple, J. (2019, August 2). Sorry, scooters aren’t so climate-friendly after all. Retrieved August 8, 2019, from